St. Francis of Assisi Church will be having a Parish Mission October 1st, 2ndand 3rd2023, featuring Catholic Speaker Paul Koleske. Both Mission Sessions will be in the Church@6:30 PM each night. Paul is a contemporary Catholic Christian Inspirational Speaker, Musician, Composer & Recording Artist from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Theme of the Mission "IgnitingtheLightofChristWithinYou -"-' Paul's ministry teaches the listeners how and why they are already wired to succeed in building themselves and the church while discovering God's purpose for their lives. He shares practical techniques people can use to increase their connection with the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Risen Christ's gift to His disciples.
Paul will sing and speak at all weekend Masses!
SundayOctober1st:"ConnectingwiththeLightofChrist" Paul will tell us his story, his conversion.from lukewarm-ness as a Catholic to a believer in miracles.He'lldiscusstheTruePresence!He'lldiscuss the necessi-tyof Mass attendancefor your life. Bringing yourfallen-away loved ones back to the church! Then he'll teach you about the miracle of You! 6:30 PM
Monday October 2nd: "Experiencing the Light of Christ"
Paul will teach us as Catholics to trust in God. He'll share practical ideas on whatwecandotobreakthementalcyclesofanxiety,fear,doubt,worry,andguilt! He'll discuss the importance ofprayer in a busy world. 6:30 PM
Tuesday October 3rd: "Living the Light of Christ"
What you can do when things go terribly wrong! Identifying attitudes that limit our willingness and energy tofully- live our Christianfaith within the Catholic Church! Truly Living the Light ofChrist within you, no matter what happenstoyouorwithinthechurch.TheRealMissionofthechurch!6:30PM
As with all Paul's spoken word presentations, he selects songs from his own music that will illumine the topics discussed and help you have a deeper Mission Experience! His music, with its clear messages, will act as a lasting reminder that you can use long after the Mission to lift-up your spirits and vision of the Light of Christ within you. Paul has been booked and shared his ministry from the East Coast to Hawaii in all 50 states and 119 dioceses. He has appeared on EWTN with his music. This mission will empower you to live a more successful spiritual life. Paul will speak and sing at all masses the weekend before the Mission. All are invited and this Mission is free