Religious Education Prek4 - 6th grade The family registration form can be found at or by the QR Code. This year we are requesting a contribution of $20 per child / $50 per family for 3 or more. You may place a check in the collection basket, contribute via the giving link in My Parish App, or bring it the first day of classes. Please indicate contribution is for “Children’s Ministry”. Sunday School for all children in PreK4 – 6th grade begins with “Come to the Table,” family prayer, blessing of backpacks, and classes on August 20, 9:00 in the gym. Please bring
non-perishable food and hygiene items (soap, deodorant, lotions, etc.) as an offering to the needy. Sacramental Preparation and the celebrations of the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is during 2nd grade. First graders should also receive catechesis. All children not attending Catholic school must attend Sunday School for Sacramental preparation. Catholic School children are invited to participate, as well.