Events & News"It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.”
Show your true Christmas Spirit. Sign-up to "adopt" a family for Christmas. Purchase gifts and other desired items for families in need.
Please consider taking part in this yearly worthwhile ministry.
Keep Christ in Christmas!
Volunteer to sort donated items once a month.
Seeking to put God's love into action, Habitat for Humanity Mississippi Capital Area brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Volunteer to be part of the “Catholic Build.” Dates for builds vary but this is a yearly event where participants work over several weekends on a home in the Greater Jackson area. St. Francis of Assisi families contribute monitarily to Habitat every year from your generous contributions, now it is time for you to volunteer and put work into action.
There are two ways to share your time.
Agape—bring food for funerals, also set up and clean up
Receptions—prepare food and help with receptions, celebrations and special functions
We have two parish-wide events during the year that require many volunteers for a short period of time—Cajun Fest and Taste of St. Francis. When you sign up for these events you will be contacted closer to the time of the event. These are great ways to meet fellow parishioners with whom you might have something in common.
Volunteers will water plants as needed and remove weeds when necessary.
This ministry basically requires a willingness to work. We need volunteers to help clean, repair, and tackle other minor projects in and around the church and campus buildings. Most tasks on the docket will be household chores, some outdoors, such as removing fallen debris from areas around campus. Other tasks include cleaning out closets, organizing, minor repairs, and painting. Bi-monthly or as needed basis. Adults and youth are welcome. Service hours will be given to youth who request them. Anyone can help, although very young children are discouraged. Lead position for this ministry is open.