Events & News"It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.”
My Dear Parishioners,
What a joy and blessing it is for me to be your pastor here at St. Francis of Assisi. The love and appreciation I feel from this community invigorates my spirit to serve you and the Lord as best I can. I have been witness to our parish being blessed abundantly with great and generous people. From our founding in 1983, when the first Mass was celebrated at the Country Charm Fish House, we celebrate with great pride and thanksgiving in the many achievements that have been accomplished over the past 40 years.
Today, we face a new challenge and we must look to build upon this wonderful foundation we have here at St. Francis of Assisi. As many of us know, St. Anthony Hall has served us well since 1987. It was our first church, and over the years, as we have added to our facilities, it has been adapted to meet the changing needs of the parish. However, it is a modular building that is now long past its life cycle. It must be replaced to continue to serve the needs of our parish community. In addition, there is a desire to revitalize our central courtyard.
This effort is about much more than just replacing a building or beautifying the property. It is a way of recognizing the sacrifices of those faithful parishioners that have preceded us, many of whom are our own families. They have made it possible for us to be here today in the beautiful place we call our spiritual home. Let us honor their commitment and sacrifice and continue to build an exciting future for the next generation of Catholic to come here in Madison.
I, along with the members of our Finance Council and Capital Campaign Committee are seeking your generous help. We indeed have a significant challenge before us and I am confident that our parishioners will respond with the same generosity and commitment we have shown throughout the years. This will take significant sacrifice from all. May our gifts, therefore, be a reflection of our true appreciation of the gifts that God has given us. Thank for all you do to make our parish home the amazing and wonderful place it is today.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Reverend Albeen Reddy Vatti
Sister Clare Hogan Hall
The construction of the new building is intended to replace the 40+ year old St. Anthony Hall, a modular building that has exceeded its life span and will include:
The new building will sit on the current footprint of St. Anthony Hall and will be designed to match the exterior materials and colors of our existing facilities. The new building will be much more energy efficient with the interior design similar to the recently renovated St. Clare Hall.
The project has received all preliminary approvals by the city of Madison which includes Zoning, Site Plan and City Board approval.
St. Francis of Assisi Courtyard
Our hope with the courtyard is to create a picturesque and peaceful environment that would allow parishioners the ability to walk safely, pray and contemplate God’s blessings all around. We would like the entire area to add beauty to our campus where parishioners and visitors feel welcome and at ease, with elements that imitate Assisi, Italy, the inspiration for our church.
Key elements to the courtyard renovation include:
Throughout the history of our parish, our families have made the necessary sacrifices in all aspects of parish life and stewardship to further the mission of Christ. As we continue to move forward and prosper as a parish community, we are confident that this challenge will be met with the same degree of commitment and participation.